Sustainability & Environmental Awareness

For generations there has been an ecological cycle of give-and-take in the alpine regions, but the modern society demands more and more resources of nature. In our “borderless” society “green economy” is often just lip service, however, we have gradually expanded the Almhof in recent years to become an eco-friendly hotel.

Better Climate

Green roofs are aesthetically pleasing, improve air quality, and have various ecological benefits.


We have two BMWi3s as pool cars for our staff.

Electric Car & Bike Charging Points

We have four charging stations for e-cars (0.50 €/kWh) in our garage and charging stations for e-bikes (free of charge) in our bicycle storage room.

Natural Cosmetics

All our rooms & suites feature 100% natural plant-based cosmetics by the brand STOP THE WATER WHILE USING ME! Every product donates to water protection projects.

Gruene Haube Natural Cooking

Enjoy seasonally-inspired menus with locally sourced products from our “Gruene Haube” natural cooking.

  • Organic whole grain cereals, vegetables and fruit mostly from controlled biological cultivation and where possible regional and seasonal.
  • We use locally sourced products whenever possible.
  • This means: Meat comes from biological livestock meeting the highest standards for animal welfare, fish from local waters.
  • No artificial flavours, flavour enhancers, preservatives, thickening or agents.
  • All meals are homemade, and we guarantee the highest quality standards. At the same time, we introduce healthy cooking to our young guests.
  • We strive to offer a rich and wholesome variety of food and drinks in organic quality. The Grüne Haube menu is mostly prepared on a plant-based wholefood basis.
  • We also offer menus for individuals with allergies and food intolerances. We are controlled by the BIO AUSTRIA GUARANTEE.

Reduction of Food Waste

Food is precious – therefore the reduction of food waste is one of our main concerns. Therefore our kitchen team has participated in the “Küchenprofi(t)” advisory programme of the ecotirol initiative.

The programme includes:

  • Sorting and collecting all food waste on site
  • Inspection on site and analysis of the kitchen processes
  • Food waste analysis and identification of potential savings
  • Recommendations and measures

ecotirol is an initiative of Land Tirol, Wirtschaftskammer Tirol, Energie Tirol and Klimabündnis Tirol, supported by the Ministerium für Nachhaltigkeit und Tourismus (department of sustainability and tourism).

Heating & Energy

In keeping with our responsibility towards nature and future generations, we rely on environmentally friendly energy.

Wir haben ein Klein-Wasserkraftwerk mit einer Leistung von 200 kWh für die Stromversorgung errichtet. Das Jahreserzeugnis liegt bei ca. 800.000 kWh. In Summe verbraucht der Almhof in etwa 1.000.000 kWh Strom im Jahr. Ab Sommer 2021 realisieren wir eine Photovoltaikanlage mit einer voraussichtlichen Jahresstromerzeugnis von 60.000 kWh.

For hot water preparation and heating we use a CO2-neutral pellet plant with a capacity of 1.200 kWh.

In May 2020, we have built a compound refrigeration system with heat recovery. The waste heat is fed directly into the heating of the indoor and outdoor swimming pool.